CARpenter as in someone who does wood works....
specially went to a CARpentry shop on Sunday after lunch to build up a custom sub woofer box being that my T15's compartment is relatively small... previously my sub woofer was mounted free-air, therefore the bass that came out sounded like S***....
and most car audio shop looked reluctant in building the box for me cos of the complexity of the compartment...
indeed its very complicated which caused me nearly 5 hours to design and get the mould correct... and its only halfway done cos there is still some slight adjustments to be done before it can fit into my compartment nicely...
but certainly there was a sense of satisfactory upon getting the mould and box 80% completed cos it was indeed a tough job...
i also have mounted my 3 gauges (digital volt, RPM and Vacuum) and concealed the wirings neatly with flexible con-pipe... but yet to be connected real soon (i hope)...


how i wish my Final Year Project has ended for me to continue my legendary customisation on my T15...