30th Dec 2005 - First day with S60
was preparing my dad's S60 with the interior carpets & waxing of the leather before the next day's ribbon tie-ing day... i was like spending about 4 hrs pespiring inside, but it juz could not help myself sticking near to e car...so i took juz one round in the estate for a feel of it...
it was totally COOL...
31st Dec 2005- Wad a Coussie Countdown 2006!!!...!!!
slept @ 2+am, woke up @ 6am & follow my dad to do some praying... and i got to drive out from my hos to e petrol station, i tested out e power a little on the main road for about 5mins... the power was simply undescribable... it reached 90km/h from 30km/h in juz a short 3 seconds...grins...woo hoo, the gee force was good >_-
7am reach home & my sis & mum were still sleeping... 8amleft hos again & went to Bukit timah to tie e ribbon on e car 10amproceeded to Hyatt Hotel Entrance and went up to look for my cousin-in-law, Daniel, the bridegroom and checked out e hotel a little...
11am my whole family walked to Paragon where my cousin, Jasmine, the bride was having her makeups... she was like so so so so pretty... of course she always is..hahaz...
my mum and sis ended up doing up their hair too, so me and my dad went shopping in the mall... i saw this blurberry short sleve shirt, it was so nice and i liked it... but e moment i saw the tag with "SGD200.00" and "After discount SGD140.00" my hope on getting that shirt is done... it was kinda over my budget for a shirt man at this point of time...
so i carried on walking the streets of orchard road back to hyatt hotel where i went up to talk to my aunt a little...
1:30pm walked my cousin and in-law to the wedding car...we only got to reach the church in little india area about 2+pm... the jam was really bad EVERYWHERE...
had the service where they exchanged vows and rings... plus the short powerpoint of their story about how they got together was really so sweet... i almost break into tears, but i didn't, otherwise i'll be laughed at...i thought of many things again at the back of my mind...had food in the church after that and managed to see many of my cousins there...its like we only get to see each other mostly during Chinese New yr... we're all bz with our own lives...
5pm sent e couple back to hyatt hotel and get ready for the night dinner... my family intended to get back home and get changed and come back but the traffic jam EVERYWHERE plus the RETRO COUNTDOWN at the lobby area made it impossible to get back in time, so we all had to stay back in our clothes from the morning...
7:30pm we all gathered at the ballroom for the wedding dinner...we were arranged to sit in a table with almost all our cousins...we had several great time talking and catching up...
i was practically drinking at least 10 cups if red wine while others had 1 or 2 cups...some 3 at most... i wonder why was i drinking so much again... i think a couple more cups and i would go HIGH and TIPSY...but most importantly i enjoyed e sweet moments of my cousin and her new husband as well as e dinner...
11pm most people except my cousins and family as well as in-law's family stayed on to take more photos... while my cousin jamine was busy with other relatives, there were like the 10 of us cousins went out to the waiting area to take lots of candid shots, group shots and some weird pose...
we were definately so happy and united even though we don't get to meet up that often...the fotos look great, fabulous...
11:30pm simin jie called and said she got a last min ticket to the CANON COUNTDOWN PARTY 2006 @ Habour Front area... i wanted to go so much, but the photos session was still not done yet... Also thinking that the crowded trains that i might not get into e train in time... anyway thanks jie for telling me about the extra Tix (: I missed the FIREWORKS...
11:45pm so 7 of us cousins and some with their whole family went out to the street of orchard road to get the vive of the new yr eve mood...as we slowly strolled to the area opposite Takashimaya where there was a countdown party there...most of us got sprayed a little along e way with SNOW SPRAY, some of them got sprayed alot more...
this reminded me a few days back on Christmas EVE, i was almost drenched in SNOW SPRAY...
1st Jan 2006!!! - In Orchard Road opp Taka Countdown
12am but it was rather fun too... midnight and after the countdown, the spraying scenes got worst... not wanting to dirty our clothes more, i guided us back to the Hyatt Hotel by a back lane...luckily it was not closed yet...
we all ended the night by taking another couple of photos in the SAFE HOTEL AREA...
sent my grandma back to AMK, sent sis to meet her frens, i went back to sleep for the early next day...
WHAT A NEW YEAR EVE we had....
1st Jan 2006 (Sunday) - Speed kills all worries away...
slept @ 3am, woke up @ 9am
went to yishun again...
drove all e way to yishun by myself with his S60 with my dad by e side
literally speed till 120km/h inside e seletar camp (surprisingly he allowed me to do that to his new car)
took an afternoon nap @ 3pm...
woke up @ 7pm...
had 4 big plates of hokkien mee for dinner...
washed the S60 throughly cos of e dirty rain yst...
watch RAT RACE and laughed in silence...
drank a little in my room again...
took my bike again to break free my soul for a new yr ahead...
speed through corners of the estates ridiculously...
burnt lots of rubber...
my vision blurred a little as i went even faster then i normally was...
wad more was that i continued playing with stunts on my bike with great speed...
i can imagine wad would happen if i were to misjudge and.........
i guess the drink had a little after effect...
slight drizzle came, became bigger...
forced myself to get back home...
now i'm stuck at home...
3rd, 4th & 5th January 2006 (Tuesday til Thursday) - Assignmentssss...
i was practically struggling through the nights to complete tons and stacks of assignments over my table... all i went to was juz school and back home boringly...
here come the days come again where i only get to sleep for a couple of hours again... sometimes no sleep at all... ):
my nights accompanied by the computer on playing uncountable times of ONLY tracks from Jay Chou's November Chopins album and Mayday's Final Home album... i was also playing those couple tracks in my hp on my one hour long bus journey back home...man, i can remember every song even in my dreams...
6th January 2006 - (Friday) Rain rain rain... ...
went to school at noon to print some stuffs for one of my CDS submission...
head to the sports hall with QH from Design sch to go for the complusary event thingy called Dr Will @ TP...
its e 24hr marathon thingy held in my school's sport field to complete the title of a non stop marathon on his hand-reeled wheel chair... wad a strong determined man...
Everyone was in some sports attire but was definately not in the mood for any sports cos of e rain...
i think those who wore slippers and flip flops were the smartest cos they were excused from the 3 rounds that we needa complete...
me, QH, shandy, Chin Pei had our lunch in Design school before heading to Bugis to chill chill walk walk shop shop... we all stopped at lavender to take QH's and XY's acceptance letter then walked quite a bit to Bugis junction...
luckily e rain stopped at the correct time... phew, thank god, thank you god...
the fun part came when we were @ Seiyu trying to get some free perfume sprays from the testers... i had the most sprays cos i stink a little from the run earlier on...
went to Sim Lim Sq, helped find Shandy a cat's fav food, the mouse... pass by a couple of LCD Mointer & Sound system Speaker shops, where i asked for the specs and prices... oh man are they tempting me to buy them... but i cant afford them at this point of time where i've not been working for a very long time... all of us went off back home together from Sim Lim Sq except QH and her bf to have dinner at mac...
i charged for my bathroom e moment i reach home as i was feeling sticky e whole day long... took a little food before going to DreamzVannin Alex's birthday chalet in Aloha Loyang...
drizzle a little on my way there... the place was way right at the end of the whole Aloha Loyang Chalet... and its definately damn big too... BBQed a little, drank only 3 cans of beer, chit chated with many long time no see vanners too...
stayed til like 12odd before i head home cos i needa go to school the next day for a group project thingy...sianz...
7th January 2006 (Saturday) - DreamzVannin Alex's Birthday
woke up early just to prepare some my assignments again... its tiring man cos i aint got any sleep the night before...
went to school on a SATURDAY MORNING jus to do some group proj... (how bad is it to go to school to a saturday which i seldom go...)
went off at noon to Suntec's Sanur to meet my cousin Jasmine and Justin and some of their frens for lunch to thank us for the helping on her wedding...
the lunch at Sanur Indo Restaurant was GREAT other than the ambience... but i enjoyed the good good food there...
THanks jie & e rest 4 e lunch and the entertainment...
i'm really kinda sad that my cousin jasmine is flying off to sydney again this coming thursday.. when can we get to see her again???
went home to have a nap which i overslept and went to Alex's chalet late again...so paisay...
was BBQing alot again not forgetting that i lost count of how many cans of beer i had that night... but i stopped cos my belly was big enough from the food and beer, not cos i was tipsy... cos i could still play PLAYSTATION's Need For Speed Most Wanted with Chris and i won him everytime...haha.... i'm e winner (not in everyway...)
went home at 3 plus almost 4 in the morning when most of them @ e chalet were asleep and couple of them have went back home...
8th January 2006 (Sunday) - Wet wet wet week...Wee Woo
haven been blogging since for like a week...
Been rather tired and busy since the start of the 2nd half of my 4th semester...
many of my other friends in Sec Sch and JCs also have their new term started...
some of them have finshed their JC 2 since Nov and are just waitin to get into NS...
I guess its because i'm having too much fun during the one week holidae (the last week of 2005), which is also the last holidae for me until 2007, playing and slacking too much...
slept at 430am e prev night and woke up at 4pm... it was raining the whole night and day... and the wet weather was DAMN SHIOK to sleep man... but the only thing was i had to literally wake up every 2 hours odd just to clear my bladder... i guess i really had too many cans of beer the night before...
Cousin Jasmine, Cousin-in-law Daniel and Uncle Roland came just when i was brushing my teeth to give us the "thank you" letter plus the DVD video taken on her wedding day...
i showed my cousin the photos i took that night and burnt a copy for her too... My Cousin has changed... Changed into a prettier lady, smarter and cuter cousin... but she's flying off on thursday.. I'm gonna miss her for long...
i'm staying at home the whole of today... cos the rain haven stopped at all since like a long time ago... gonna prepare for Monday again although its rather short (3 hrs) and have fun time again on Tuesday with Wee Hong and frenz...
If a tear can bring you happiness, I'll pray to god for rain Just for you...
If the sun can give you warmth and a SMILE over your face, I'll pray to god for a sunny day Just for you...
If i can bring you a laughter, I will provide you with jokes Just for you...
I have no other intensions but Just to see you happy and cheerful like you used to be...
All i wanna do is Just to be your friend, if possible your best friend and to see you happy...
Please SMILE cos your SMILE brighten up my day (: